Up to 7 eco concious projects, different monthly learning theme.
Glue is supplied quarterly (January, April, July, October).
Everything you need is included inside the box.
Subscribe BEFORE 20th to get next month's box.
You will receive the deluxe project of the month PLUS TWO box of your choice:
Choose your difficulty level:
- Budding (3 Easy projects- Age 3-6)
- Standard (3 Medium Difficulty projects- Age 7-12)
- Skilled (ONE XL Project- Age 12+)
Choose how often you would like to receive boxes (Monthly, Bi Monthly or quarterly).
You will receive whatever the monthly learning theme is of a particular month unless you contact us and ask for something different.
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Price Options
One-time purchase
Platinum Monthly
£54.99every month until canceled
Platinum Bi-monthly
A Platinum sized box sent to you every other month.
£54.99every 2 months until canceled
Platinum quarterly
A Platinum sized box sent to you quarterly.
£54.99every 3 months until canceled