Are you looking for a recognised, certified approach to home education?
Want your child's learning to be recognised?
Do you need something flexible and interest led?
What if the details were planned for you, and things turned up to your home ready to go each month?

Hello, I'm Radha
I've worked in education for over seventeen years now. From teaching in mainstream secondary schools, to working therapeutically in a world class alternative provision, perfecting the art of hands on learning with reluctant learners in my own classroom, working as exams officer and eventually launching what was a initially a pandemic business to support children with real life learning.
I have seen so many children's (and parent) transformations over the years from reluctance of learning, mental health challenges or school based trauma to engaged, independent learning and a love of being engrossed in the excitement of it all.
It is my absolute passion and mission in life to bring therapeutic education to all children with a huge focus on learning through play and a hands on approach. Flexible, interest led and inclusive are all some of my favourite words and it makes my heart happy to see the joy our approach brings to the families with whom we work.