Excitement Overload...
If you hopped over to the replay of last week’s live (or if you were there live!) you may have caught some of the mega excitement going on in the LCB community at the moment. Well, be prepared for excitement overload because tonight’s live demonstrated that LCB just keeps getting better and better, especially for home ed families – although IMO it’s great for everyone!
Radha helpfully summarised the 4 huge things that LCB offers to support and encourage our
1. Boxes
2. The Blog
3. Lessons
4. Accreditation
The big news today concerned numbers 3 and 4.
Little Crafters Lessons has launched this week as an extension of the previously named
‘Computational Thinking Club’ – practical, hands-on, kinaesthetic activities that tie in with AQA awards, add to Children’s University hours or simply just stand alone as a great way to learn. There will be a minimum of 6 lessons/months including 1 x Science, 1 x Maths and 1 x Computational Thinking. All lessons are also available on replay delivered in a dedicated Facebook group. The price is very competitive at £10/month per family and NOW is the time to sign up before the price goes up at the end of Feb.
In addition to the AQA award scheme already offered by LCB there is very exciting news of a new online system for home ed families from the Children’s University. CU is a charity that embraces and rewards non-standard learning. The new system is in the beta stage of testing and will hopefully be live for sign-ups soon. Head over to the LCB Facebook group to find out how to win one of 50 beta sign-ups offered from LCB.
An exhilarating evening of news marked by the speed of Radha’s voice (actually she was helpfully paced!) and the number of live comments and exclamation marks!! The next live is next Thursday at 8.00pm – you are cordially invited – bring a drink and join the fun.